Meet The Maker -

Tell us about yourself
 My Name is Ojoma Ahmed, from Kogi state, a mum of 2 kids. Until recently, I have been just an IT professional (Business Intelligence) and then started an NGO about a year ago, and from that sprung a business idea.

Tell us about your business, how did you start?
 It’s interesting how life throws you lemons and you then make lemonades. My partner suffered a heart attack and I spent 3 months going in and out of hospital caring for him. Then I had an epiphany - a sudden realization that I needed to do something with my mundane 9-5 job and give back by developing my community. 

I had a building project going on at the time, it was meant to house some family members, but I decided to use it as a training hub to offer free training to girls and young woman, then I started a community project to mechanize palm oil processing in my village, to support the women.

Then it turned to a business Idea, I remembered my grand mum raised her kids, I used to marvel at her large processing wells.

We have then managed to start a plantation at my grandparent’s farm and also acquired Palm Oil and Palm Kernel Processing machines. We are only a couple of month’s old and we have made a lot of progress, however frustrating the journey may have been.

What inspires your creativity?
 I wouldn’t describe myself as creative as though- I only have a mind and brain that thinks round the clock and my ability to multitask is beyond me. Being able to provide and support others is what drives me to do what I doJ.

Tell us about your greatest achievement yet
 I think starting a charity is my greatest achievement so far.

Words for those starting off on this business.
 Perseverance is key, we don’t have a conducive environment for businesses to thrive, so focus, determination and self believe would get us through this hurdle.

What has been your most horrible experience in business or production?
 Dealing with individuals that lack integrity, faulty machines which had to be replaced as this set us back, the list is endless. 

What do you love most about handcrafting?
 Not applicable to me

What is your favorite product to make?
 I think our Crude cold press Palm Kernel Oil is the most interesting at the moment-up until a few months ago, I was only aware of the Black hot press PKO. It’s been interesting researching about its uses and benefits.

How did you come up with the name of your business?
 Originally it was meant to be JEMA group- which was the name of my mums business, it’s a combination of I and my sisters name. JOEMAD still is, and was the only combination available at CAC at the time I just had to go with itJ

What are some of your other hobbies and interest?
 I love to go on holidays, although I don’t really enjoy the commute, but it’s always great visiting other countries, I’m a couch potato, so I love movies. As I’ve grown older I think acquiring knowledge and skills takes most of my time.

Tell us something unique about yourself?

If you were to give one of your products to a stranger, what will it be?
 Palm Oil! It’s the only thing we produce everyone uses. 

Tell us your number one tip.

What is your favorite Adonmu product, why?
 I have never tried any, but the look of the soaps just draws me in and I'm looking forward to trying some soon.

You can see more products and services from Joemad via their Instagram accounts:

Don't forget to also view Products and Service from Africa's Best - Adonmu


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