
Autism is a condition where a person is unable to communicate and interact with others. The person also shows some unusual behaviors that include repeating certain actions, such as shaking or nodding the head, rocking self, pacing or spinning around. Autism affects different people in different ways, it affects every race and every social class. There are over 100,000 reported cases, yearly, in Nigeria.

Children with Autism find it difficult to understand what others think or feel, they find it difficult to express themselves with words or gestures. If the child is very sensitive, he/she may get troubled, or even pained, by sound, touch, smell or sights that others see as normal. Boys are 4 times more likely to be autistic than girls. Symptoms of autism usually begin to show around the first 3 years of a child's life.

Even though a person with autism may find it difficult to communicate, he/she may excel in other areas like art, music, math or memorizing facts.


The exact cause of this disorder is not clear. It is believed that certain genes cause Autism but there are other factors that may cause the condition.

  • Elderly parents are more likely to give birth to an autistic child.
  • Exposure to certain medicines or chemical, or seizure medication during pregnancy.
  • Taking alcohol in pregnancy
  • Medical conditions like diabetes and obesity during pregnancy.


Since autism affects people differently, the symptoms vary, depending on the specific case, while some children develop normally in the first months or years of their lives, then suddenly begin to loose skills they already learnt. Some children, and adults, show the following symptoms:
  • Reduced eye contact with others
  • Not responding when their name is called
  • Not showing any recognition or emotion to their care givers
  • Resists being touched and prefers to be on their own or alone
  • Cannot begin a conversation, or find it difficult continuing a conversation
  • Repeats words but doesn't understand how to use them
  • Does not express emotions or feelings
  • Does not point at, or bring objects to show interest
  • Has difficulty understanding non-verbal gestures, like people's facial experience, body posture or tone of voice

When You Should Seek Medical Advice

Babies develop at their own pace, some reach developmental milestones earlier than their peers while some reach milestones later. However, children with Autism usually show signs of delayed development before they are 2 years old. Seek medical advice if your child shows any of these signs:
  • Does not respond with smiles or a happy expression by the age of 6 months
  • Does not mimic sounds or facial expressions by 9 months
  • Does not babble or coo by 12 months
  • Does not make gestures (pointing or waving by 14 months
  • Does not say single words by 16 months
  • Does not play "make-belief" or "pretend" games by 18 months
  • Does not say 2-word phrases by 24 months
  • Looses language skills or social skills at any age
Your doctor will examine your child and advice you on the best course to take.

See the spectacular sceneries from around the world, marking World Autism Awareness Day, held on 2nd April, under the hashtag "LightItUpBlue".

We are still receiving donations of hats and yarn for Special Needs Children so send in yours.

Check our social media pages for more.

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