Magnificent May

Planning for May 2022 - 3 mins read

It’s May already, we are getting well into the second quarter of the year. Time to review all you set out to achieve by the end of the year and see how far you’ve gone, what changes you need done and what improvements you have to make. 

We have 5 Notable Dates for the month of May as follows:

1st - Workers’/May Day. A public holiday, which being a Sunday means its work-free day on Monday the 2nd. It’s a day set to appreciate the working population for contributions to the Nation  

2nd - ‘Eid-ul-Fitr Day aka “Sallah Day”, when Muslim faithfuls celebrate the end of the Ramadan fast. And no, this isn’t the Sallah you get to eat mutton! This is a work-free day extended to the next day as well (2nd and 3rd).

15th - Mother’s’ Day, that’s the second Mothers’ Day celebrated each year to honour and show love to mothers. Usually marked with sending messages, gifts or flowers to mothers  

25th - Africa Day, a day set out to celebrate the people of Africa, their culture and values. This is where you splurge your pride for being African - Yes oh πŸ‘Š 

27th - Children’s Day, to celebrate all children and let them remember that they are in deed special, after all, they are the future.

We added these dates to calendar and shaded likely Work-Free days. Remember you already have these dates noted on our Planner page for May and you can add other dates as well to the page. 

Think about the events that align to you or your business and plan with them. Use the Goal Setting sheet as well as the Goal Tracking sheet to help you achieve your goals. If you need all of these tools, simply let us know in the comments below and we’ll get them to you free of charge!

What other dates do you think we should add to the month of May? Let us know in the comments below.

Join the Achieved Planners Group on Facebook to join a community of intentional achievers here

Learn the right way to set a goal below

Thanks for reading and May you have a Magnificent May 


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