Crochet Yellow Trumpet Pattern

This month we honor our National Flower by sharing a Crochet Pattern of the Yellow Trumpet. The beauty and resilience of this plant is very inspirational.

We hope you will find lots of fun making this flower.

Happy Crocheting!!!

Costus Spectabilis

Designer: Yawakta - Adonmu Beauty


Yarn: Yeye yarn in the following colors; A - Yellow, B -Green, C - Purple 

Crochet Hook: 2mm

Soft wire, Tapestry needle, scissors


Sc = Single crochet

Hdc = Half double crochet

Dc = Double crochet

Tr = Triple crochet

DTr = Double Triple crochet

Ch = Chain st

St = Stitch

( ) = Repeat instructions inside the bracket as indicated

[ ] = Number of stitches at the end of the round.

Special Stitch


Ch 3, slip st in 3rd ch from hook.

Special Technique

Adjustable ring method

Wrap yarn in a ring, ensuring that the tail falls behind the working yarn. Grip ring and tail firmly between middle finger and thumb. Insert hook through center of ring, yarn over (with working yarn) and draw up a loop. Work stitches of first round in the ring. Pull gently, but firmly, on tail to close ring when instructed. 



With A, make an adjustable ring, Ch 1.

Round 1: Work 6 Sc in ring. Pull tail to close ring. Join with a slip st to first Sc. [6 Sc]

Round 2: Ch 1, (Sc in next 2 sts, 2 Sc in next st) 2 times, join with a slip st to first Sc. [8 Sc]

Round 3: Ch 1, (Sc in next 3 sts, 2 Sc in next st) 2 times, join with a slip st to first sc.[10 sc]

Round 4: Ch 1, (Sc in next st, 2 Sc in next st) 5 times, join with a slip st to first sc. [15 Sc]

Round 5 - 15: Ch 1, Sc in next 15 sts, join with a slip st to first Sc. [15 Sc]

Round 16: Ch 2, (Dc, 2 Tr in same st), (2 DTr, picot, 2DTr in next st), (2 Tr, Dc, Ch 1, Sl st in next st) - One Petal made. Repeat to make 4 more petals.

Round 17: Working along one petal - (Sl st in next st, 2 Sc in next st, 2 Hdc in next st, 3 Dc in next st, 3 Tr  in next st, 3 DTr in next st, picot, 3 DTr in next st, 3 Tr  in next st, 3 Dc in next st, 2 Hdc in next st, 2 SC in next st, Sl st in next st) - One Petal completed. Repeat along remaining 4 petals to complete. Fasten off and weave-in tails.


With B, Ch 2.

Round 1: Work 5 Sc in 2nd Ch from hook. [5 Sc]

Round 2: Work 2 Sc in each Sc around. [10 Sc]

Round 3: (Sc in next sts, 2 Sc in next st) 5 times,. [15 Sc]

Round 4: Ch 4, Slip st in 2nd Ch from hook, Sc in next Ch, Dc in next Ch. Skip 2 sts and Slip st in next st - One sepal made. Repeat to make 4 more sepals. Fasten off and weave-in tails.


With A, make an adjustable ring, Ch 3.

Round 1: Work 12 Dc in ring. Pull tail to close ring. Join with a slip st to top of Ch st. [13 Dc]

Round 2: Work the following clusters in each st respectively - (Ch 1, 1 Sc), (1 Sc, 1 Hdc), (1 Hdc, 1 Dc), (2 Dc) 4 times, (1 Dc, 1 Hdc), (1 Hdc, 1 Sc), Sc, slip st into the last 3 sts.

Round 3: Work the following clusters in each st respectively - (Ch 1, 1 Sc), (1 Sc) 5 times, (Ch 2, skip 1 st, 1 Sc in next st) 5 times, (1 Sc) 5 times, join with a slip st to first Sc. Fasten off.

Roll bud and stitch the bottom with yarn and a tapestry needle. Join B through the stitches at the bottom, work 5 Sc around the bottom of the bud.

Round 4 - 5: Ch 1, 1 Sc in each st around [5 Sc]. Fasten off.

Leaf - Make 4

With B, make an adjustable ring, Ch 3.

Round 1: Work 15 Dc in ring. Pull tail to close ring. Join with a slip st to first Dc. [16 Dc]

Round 2: Ch 2, Dc in same st, Ch 1, (Dc2tog within the same st, Ch 1) 15 times. [16 Dc clusters, 16 Ch 1 sts]

Round 3: Slip st into the first Ch 1 space. Work the following clusters in the 16 Ch 1 spaces respectively - (Ch 1, 3 Sc) , (2 Sc, 1 Hdc), (2 Hdc, 1 Dc), (3 Dc) 4 times, (2 Dc, 1 Tr), (1 Tr, 2 Dc), (3 Dc) 4 times, (1 Dc, 2 Hdc), (Hdc, 2 Sc), (3 Sc), join with a slip st to first Sc.

Round 4: Ch 1, Sc in same st, Ch 2, (skip next st, Sc, Ch 2) 23 times. [24 Sc,24 Ch spaces]

Round 5: Slip st into the first Ch 2 space. Work the following clusters in the 24 Ch 2 spaces respectively - (Ch 1, 3 Sc) 2 times, (2 Sc, 1 Hdc), (2 Hdc, 1 Dc), (3 Dc) 6 times, (2 Dc, 1 Tr), (2 Tr, 1 DTr), Ch 2, (1 DTr, 2 Tr), (1 Tr, 2 Dc), (3 Dc) 6 times, (1 Dc, 2 Hdc), (1 Hdc, 2 Sc), (3 Sc) 2 times, join with a slip st to first Sc.

Round 6: Join C work 1 Sc around. Fasten off and weave-in tails. 


Cut a piece of wire about 3 inches, with A ch 11, place wire behind ch sts and hold both, from 2nd ch from hook, work 1 Sc in each ch st around wire. Cut yarn leaving a long tail. Wrap tail around remaining length of wire to make stalk, tie to secure - Stamen with stalk made.

Pass stalk part of wire through top part of flower to the bottom, attach sepal through the stalk to the bottom of flower.

Cut a piece of B and wrap stalk, attach bud to the end of stalk and wrap to attach to stalk. Tie knots to secure and fasten off.

Arrange leaves as indicated, stitch them together using a tapestry needle. Attach flower stalk to middle of leaves and secure.

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