Yellow Trumpet - The Nigerian Flower

Did you know that Nigeria has a National Flower? Well it does, the “Yellow Trumpet” or Costus Spectabilis is the National Flower of Nigeria. In the Hausa language, it is known as Taburmar Zomo, which literary means “Rabbit’s Mat”. It’s the flower on our Coat of Arms - even know I am unable to understand why it is painted red on the coat of arms ...

The flower grows across Africa: from Sierra Leon to Sudan, down to Angola and Zimbabwe.
The plant carries 4 broad fleshy leaves about 12cm square in size, with purple-pink edgings around. The leaves, laying flat on the ground, holds the flowers which bloom one at a time, dying after a short while and replaced by another soon after. These plants spread across the ground, looking like water-lilies.

The Yellow Trumpet appeared with the other National Flowers of the Commonwealth Countries on the Bridal Veil of Meghan Markle as she wedded Prince Harry.

This month, we will be entering our design of this special, unique, rare and very patriotic plant in the “Hand Crafters’ Crochet pattern writing competition 2020”. We will keep you updated on our eatery and the competition, so check back to see what we win, and wish us lots of luck:D

You could also participate, find details of the competition in the flyer below or on our social media pages. Submission ends by the 15th of July so start asap.

Find the Best Handcrafted accessories, skincare products and fragrances with Africa's Best Crafter - Adonmu.
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