Pumpkin Seed Oil

The Pumpkin is a fruit from the squash family. It grows on the ground behind large leaves, and contain plenty seeds surrounded by soft pulp that is housed by the fleshy pumpkin fruit.

The name evolved from the Greek word "pepon" which means "Large melon", basically used to describe something that is round and large. The French adopted the name, calling it "pompon", then the British called it "pompon", before it was finally named "pumpkin" by Americans.

The fruit is used to prepare various dishes from soups to snacks, while the leaves are used to prepare soups or served as a garnish. The fruit is said to contain minerals that help regulate blood pressure, as well as potassium and magnesium.

Pumpkin Seed Oil

The seeds within the pumpkin gourd is processed and oil pressed from it, this oil has an intense nutty taste, and varies from light to dark green in color - when you have just a little of it in a container, to dark red - when you have a lot of it. So basically it changes color according to its quantity.

The oil is rich in carotenoids and vitamin E, which are great in reducing inflammation, as well as help to fight free-radical cell damage. Studies are currently being done on its potential benefit in preventing hair-loss in men, will keep you updated on that as results come up.

At Adonmu, you can get the benefit of Pumpkin Seed Oil from our Cream Butter - featuring Cocoa Butter and Pumpkin Seed Oil. Its a rich luxurious lotion that glides smoothly onto your skin, for great skin moisturization - your perfect combo in the dry, intense harmattan season.

The Best can be found at Adonmu - Africa's Best Handcrafter...:::
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