Baobab Oil

The Baobab tree, native to Africa is called the "Upside-Down Tree" because the branches of the tree look like roots. The fruits of this tree grow as pods hanging like lanterns on the tree. Baobab also grows in Australia and the Middle East. To survive harsh weather conditions and drought, up to 120,000 liters of water is stored in the trunk! Animals can be found chewing on the barks to get some hydration against the heat. The leaves are dried and grounded into powder, used to prepare soup - "miyan kuka". This soup is usually combined with "tuwo" (mashed meal made with a given grain) - to prepare a very rich and tasty meal.

The Baobab trees live for thousands of years and grow into ginormous plants of almost 100 feet tall and 36 feet thick. The largest Baobab tree could be the Glencoe Baobab on a farm in the Limpopo province of South Africa, while the Panke Baobab in Zimbabwe lived to about 2,450 years before it died in 2011 (it got the record of being the oldest flowering plant).

The meal prepared with mashed rice and soup made of baobab leaf powder

The Baobab blooms only once a year, the flowers open up at night and get pollinated by bees, wasps and bats to produce fruit pods. The tree sheds its leaves in the dry season. (Have you seen the Kupatana episode of Disney Junior's Animated Series "The Lion Guard? - Kupatana is Swahili, meaning Peace and Harmony)... let's continue.
The pod that contains the fruit is covered in a velvet-like skin and is about the size of a coconut. Inside the pods lie the seeds, covered in pulp. When the pods dry, the pulp become powdery and tastes sweet and sour (I was sucking on some of the fruit while writing this post *wink).

The seed powder is rich in vitamin C, carbohydrates and phosphorus, it is said to contain more antioxidants than any food in the world. The powder is used to produce juice or shakes and also used in cooking food.

Baobab Oil
Now to the part you've been waiting for. Oil is pressed from the seeds within the pulp in the pods. The golden oil has a silky feel on the skin with a mild aroma, it is an excellent moisturizer that quickly absorbs into the skin, nourishing and hydrating the skin without clogging the pores, and does not leave a greasy feel after application. This is one of the reasons that make Baobab oil suitable for both dry and oily skin types, so yay!
Baobab oil contains a high amount of vitamin C and other essential fatty acids including vitamin A, D, E and K, as well as Omega 3, 6 and 9.

Benefits of Baobab oil for the skin include skin moisture that helps with damaged, dry and itchy skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties that helps the skin against swelling and irritation, and also helps to reduce or prevent the appearance of stretch marks, and eliminate under-eye bags. If your skin is damaged from exposure to sun, or from harsh skincare products, then you should add Baobab oil to your skincare routine.

For the hair, Baobab oil is useful if you have dry and brittle hair, or dandruff and itchy scalp. It regenerates and repairs damaged hair while soothes and heals itchy and irritated scalp. The oleic acid present in Baobab oil penetrates the hair to make your hair softer and improve its elasticity - reducing breakage, while the polyunsaturated fatty acids form a protective film on top of the surface of the hair, preventing moisture loss (as well as excess moisture getting in) and makes your hair glossy and bouncy :D

Using Baobab oil is now made easy as we have included it in our range of skincare products. Use our Nature Oils and/or Natural Butter as your daily moisturizer, and also for your pre-poo and after-poo needs, your hair will be so happy with you - warm some of the Natural Oils and apply to your damp hair, massaging it into the hair and scalp, then wrap your hair with a hot, wet towel. Leave the towel on your head until it cools off then wash and condition your hair as you normally would. After towel-drying your hair, spray on the Comb EZ Hair Conditioner to your hair, and gently massage in a little of the Hair & Beard Oil, then comb and style as desired.

If you are looking for some creamy skin goodness, then go for the Cream Butter made with Baobab Oil and Moringa Oil, this is a crowd pleaser!

You are all set to go!

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