Frankincense Oil

Boswellia Tree - Source google images

Frankincense, also known as “al-Liban” in Arabic, and  “Olibanum” in Hebrew, comes from an aromatic resin from the Boswellia tree in Somalia. The tree also grows in southern parts of Saudi Arabia and in India. Frankincense has been traded on the Arabian Peninsula for over 6000 years.
This resin got its name from the Old-French word “franc encens” which means “noble/pure incense”.


The Boswellia tree begins to produce resin from around  8 - 10 years of age. To get the resin, the bark of the tree is slashed, letting the resin run. When it dries it hardens, the dried sap is referred to as “tears”, the resin is then collected and formed into lumps.
Tears of the Boswellia Tree - Source google images

Different types of resin are gotten from different species of the Boswellia tree, with quality based on the colour, purity, aroma, age and shape of the resin. The Silver and Hojari types are generally considered to be of the highest quality.
Sadly, studies have shown that the trees are declining due to over-exploitation, burning, grazing and attack from the long-horn beetle. More needs to be done to preserve and protect  this wonder-tree.
Source - Adonmu images


Frankincense has been used by man for thousands of years, with uses described in religious books like the Torah, Talmud and Bible.
It is widely used in perfumery, aromatherapy and skincare, as well as for certain religious practices. The resin is also processed to produce Frankincense Essential Oil.

Frankincense Essential Oil

This clear, pale-golden essential oil and is produced through steam distillation of the Frankincense Resin. The smell of this essential oil can be described as a combination of pine, lemon and wood - a balsamic-spicy, slightly lemon fragrance.

Benefits of Frankincense Essential Oil 

  • Anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce swelling.
  • Antiseptic against common germs
  • Helps to heal wounds, fade stretch marks and scars
  • Strengthen the skin and improving elasticity, making it useful in reducing wrinkles and the signs of aging.
  • Reduce redness, giving the skin an even tone.

You can find Frankincense Essential Oil in the “Pugtha Face Serum”, carried in Argan Oil and Evening Primrose Oil. This serum is easy to use; just add 1-3 drops onto your fingers and gently massage into your face using circular motions. You should use this face serum after your regular face cleansing routine, before applying a moisturiser. You may use it in the morning as well as at night for that glowing beautiful natural skin. Read more about the Face Serum here.

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