Fixing Your Broken Makeup Product...:::

This may have happened to you or someone you know... when that powder, eyeshadow, bronzer or blush we love hits a hard surface and breaks into a zillion pieces... oh NO! Its sometimes more painful because its THAT EXPENSIVE brand you saved so much to get.

But sometimes there's just no avoiding it: you are either in a hurry and it slips and drops, or the kids get inside your bag and play 'Makeup', whatever the case, take a sigh of relief as you can fix it, works for broken powder, eyeshadow, blush, bronzer, and any mineral compact makeup product. With only one ingredient, follow the steps below to fix your broken makeup product.

All You Need:

  1. Your broken makeup (Powder, Eyeshadow, Bronzer or Blush)
  2. Rubbing Alcohol (mentholated spirit may work, haven't tried that yet) You can get this from a pharmacy.
  3. Polytene bag, spoon or your fingers...

How To Fix It:

Pick up all the broken pieces of the makeup into its container, I fixed my broken powder in this demonstration. If possible, break it up some more to make the pieces even.

Spray or sprinkle a few drops of the rubbing alcohol on it and cover with the polytene bag, then use your fingers or the back of a spoon to smoothen the surface of the powder. I noticed that the higher the percentage of the alcohol the better, I used 99% Rubbing Alcohol.

If its not coming together yet, add a few more drops of rubbing alcohol, then cover with the polytene bag and smoothen it some more. Covering with the polytene bag helps to keep it smoother and it also protects your fingers from getting painted, especially when its a blush or eyeshadow.

When you are satisfied with how it looks, keep it open and allow to dry overnight, all the alcohol will evaporate by then and you will be left with your product, good as new. Yay!


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