I Made This - Summer Drawstring Pouch

The long summer break is here and if you’re itching for something to keep your little ones creatively busy then try making this drawstring pouch - it’s easy straight stitching for children 5 years and up, while younger kinds can skip the sewing part and have fun decorating the pouch and adding the drawstring Materials needed: Piece of fabric - plain is better so your design stands out Needle and thread or sewing machine Scissors and measuring tape or ruler Ribbons or yarn for the drawstring Paint, buttons, fabric flowers, pens, markers etc for decoration Steps: Cut the fabric to double the size of pouch you want to make, you will be folding it in half. We cut a piece of cotton fabric 9 by 22 inches. Fold each edge twice and hem, you can use a simple running stitch or back stitch using a needle and thread, or with a sewing machine - if your machine can, stitch a line of a decorative stitch along the two long edges. Decorate Fold the fabric in half and press, then ...