
Showing posts from June, 2019

Special Needs - Sickle Cell

This is a blood disorder where there is an abnormality inside the red blood cells of the patient, making the cell become rigid and deformed - looking like a sickle, these cells are not able to carry enough oxygen to the body, and they die early, causing a shortage in red blood cells. Normal red blood cells are flexible, with a shape like a doughnut, and are able to pass through the veins and arteries of a person. However, the shape and rigid form of the sickled-shaped blood cells of a patient causes blockages and preventing free blood flow. Who Does Sickle Cell Affect? Sickle cell anemia is inherited from parents who carry the abnormal genes, the patient gets one of these genes from his/her father and one from his/her mother. If only one parent carries this abnormal gene, then there is a chance that the child will also become a carrier. To know if a person has sickle cell, or is a carrier, a blood test is usually carried out. 80% of sickle cell cases occur in Africa, a repor

Frankincense Oil

Boswellia Tree - Source google images Frankincense, also known as “al-Liban” in Arabic, and  “Olibanum” in Hebrew, comes from an aromatic resin from the Boswellia tree in Somalia. The tree also grows in southern parts of Saudi Arabia and in India. Frankincense has been traded on the Arabian Peninsula for over 6000 years. This resin got its name from the Old-French word “franc encens” which means “noble/pure incense”. Processing The Boswellia tree begins to produce resin from around  8 - 10 years of age. To get the resin, the bark of the tree is slashed, letting the resin run. When it dries it hardens, the dried sap is referred to as “tears”, the resin is then collected and formed into lumps. Tears of the Boswellia Tree - Source google images Different types of resin are gotten from different species of the Boswellia tree, with quality based on the colour, purity, aroma, age and shape of the resin. The Silver and Hojari types are generally considered to be of the highest