
Showing posts from January, 2019

Wild Argan - "Seed of Life"

On the foothills of the Atlas Mountains of Southern Morocco grows the Argan tree, a wild tree that lives for about 150 to 200 years, it grows only in Morocco, originally. The Argan tree bears small, green, smooth fruits, similar to olives, which turns yellow and falls to the ground around May. The Berber women (natives of Morocco) pick the fallen fruits in June and July, then dry them in readiness to process the wonder oil - Argan Oil. The Argan fruit is not only sought after by people, but goats as well, the goats have learned to climb the thorny trees and eat the fruits directly from the branches, because of the high nutritional content of the fruits, these goats are called "Argan Goats" and the meat from them is tastier, more nutritious. The Argan tree, growing in arid soil, benefits the environment by helping to prevent desertification. Unfortunately, the number of Argan trees are reducing and the Government of Morocco has began to take steps to protect them