
Showing posts from March, 2018

Taking Care of Baby's Skin...:::

Keeping your baby's skin soft and healthy begins with understanding it's needs and unique characteristics. African baby skin is sensitive and can get dry, or have dark spots (hyper pigmentation). Within the first two to three weeks of life, baby's skin tends to get darker. Bathing cleanses your baby's skin, but it also removes the natural oils the body produces from the skin, this can make the skin dry. Dry skin can become itchy and uncomfortable. Until your baby is over 3 months of age, try not to use any product that contains fragrance since it may irritate the skin. The detergent you use for your baby's laundry should also be mild, and you will have to rinse it off thoroughly to avoid leaving behind any skin irritant. I usually rinse off a newborn's laundry 3 times after a wash. Using a gentle moisturizer regularly can help soothe and protect baby's skin. You should use a product that does not contain alcohol or perfume since these can dry