Shea Butter

Gotten from the seed of the Shea tree, Shea butter is extracted and prepared without the use of chemicals, and the best method for this extraction is the cold-pressed method without added chemicals or preservatives. When Shea butter is extracted in this method it is referred to as Premium Shea butter. Premium Shea butter is enriched with vitamin A and is termed a superb moisturizer with exceptional healing properties for the skin. Vitamin A is known to help with blemishes, wrinkles, eczema, and itching, while Shea has been said to be helpful towards skin allergies, insect bites, sun burn, frost bites among others. And interestingly the moisturizer found in Shea butter is said to be the same as the moisturizer produced by the sebaceous glands of the skin! Only high quality premium Shea butter has these benefits for the skin but once it ages or looses its natural integrity, many of the healing benefits are lost, but it still remains a good moisturizer for your skin. How t...