
Showing posts from October, 2020

Independence Crafting

 Being the Proud Nigerians, we had a few crafting ideas to commemorate the country's 60 years since its independence from British rule. We as a nation have made it thus far, amid the sweat, joy and tears, we are still together. We are indeed blessed and should not take that for granted. Of course Nigeria has a long road ahead in terms of development, but we are moving, even if its not as quickly as many would want it. The important thing is to keep forging ahead. We tried out a few craft ideas for the Diamond Celebration - Paper flowers, Quilled cards, Woven beads and Braided cords. See a few of them below. Paper Flower - Green Rose Bead Weaving - Love Nigeria Braided Cord Watch the making of the Paper Rose below. Watching it brings to mind how different petals of different shades and sizes, with different elements to the parts, come together to make one beautiful wholesome flower, like our Great nation - Unity in Diversity. I will love to hear what creative ideas you had for the c