Understanding Your Hair

Great hair is indeed possible, once you understand your hair. We all crave to have healthy, longer, shinier hair, so read on and be on your way to understanding what your hair needs and could do without. Basically, we have 2 types on hair on our body: Vellus hair which is found all over our body, on the upper lip and forehead. It is very fine and short hair which is usually not colored (un-pigmented, usually translucent) and doesn't grow longer than 2cm. This hair has just 2 layers: the cortex and cuticle. Terminal hair which is the longer, coarser, pigmented hair that grows on our scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, armpits and groin. This hair has 3 layers : the medulla in the middle filled with air and proteins, the cortex containing melanin, and the cuticle on the outside. When hair emerges from our scalp it has about 6 - 10 layers of cuticle. The cells of the cuticle overlap at about a 5 degree angle (looking like the tiles on a roof), pointing down towards the tips of the...