
Showing posts from May, 2019

Tigernut Oil...:::

Looks like a tiger, tastes like a nut, but is in fact a tuber - Tiger-nut - aka "aya" in Hausa, "aki awusa" in Igbo, "ofio" in Yoruba. Tiger-nut is grown in Africa, Southern Europe, the Middle Esat and the Indian sub-continent. Its a wild grass with edible tubers, which grows in sandy, moist soil - just like rice paddies or peanut farms. Tiger-nut is planted between April and May, growing through July-August, then harvested between November and December. After harvesting, the tubers are washed to remove sand and small stones, then dried in the sun, turning them daily, for three months. When dry, they shrink and become wrinkled. Uses Tiger-nuts have a sweet nutty taste, they can be eaten raw. The dried tubers can be munched as is, or soaked in water overnight (or for a few days; changing the water daily), to rehydrate them back to a plump, crunchy snack. They can also be slightly roasted and coated with sugar or honey as a dessert. "Kunun