
Showing posts from March, 2019

Special Needs Child

The term "Special Needs Child" is usually used to describe a child who may face more challenges than a typical child, and these challenges could last for a lifetime. The child has different goals, and needs extra support to meet social, emotional, medical and academic milestones. The challenges the child faces can be physical or mental, but often require medical or professional assistance and observance. Sometimes the child is born with these challenges and sometimes they are acquired or developed. Some of the Physical Challenges include: Heart disease, Pre-maturity, Visual impairment or Blindness, Hearing impairment or Deafness, Albinism, Cancer, Epilepsy, Chronic Asthma, Diabetes, Obesity, Multiple Sclerosis, Dwarfism, Food Allergies, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome. Some Emotional/Behavioral Challenges include: Bi-polar, dyslexia, Attention Deficit Disorder, Oppositional Defiance Disorder In Africa most Special Children do not live to reach adulthood b

Oil Palm

The African Oil Palm, growing only in tropical regions of the earth produces the palm fruit - fleshy red fruits that grow in bunches and contain a kernel within a hard shell. Originally, the Oil Palm grew only in African, it is now grown in Asia, North America and South America. Nigeria used to be the largest producer of the oil palms, now it is the third largest, after Indonesia and Malaysia. The tree lives for about 25 - 30 years, and because it continues to yield fruits during its life time it is considered a high productive crop - it is capable of yielding more oil from less land than any other vegetable oil. A bunch of the palm fruits weighs about 10kg and produces over 1000 fruits. The fruits are oval shaped, ranging from orange to red, with a hard seed that houses a round white kernel. Two types of oils are produced from the Oil Palm - Palm oil from the pulp of the fruit, and Palm Kernel Oil from the kernels within the hard shell. Both oils are edible and are also us