Pugtha Deodorant Mist...:::

Sweat has no smell, its the bacteria on or under the skin that makes our sweat stink! Deodorants are applied to help remove or prevent this unpleasant smells by controlling bacterial growth in our sweat. Most regulatory authorities classify deodorants as cosmetics since they only mask or neutralize the body odor caused by bacteria. Antiperspirants prevent you from sweating. They contain aluminum compounds as the active ingredients. These compounds get absorbed into the skin and plug-up the sweat ducts, preventing the flow of sweat. Ammonium alum commonly called "alum", which contains aluminum, has also been used to prevent smell in the armpits. Antiperspirants are classified as drugs since they temporary change the function of the skin, suppressing the flow of sweat. Overtime, the combination of aluminum and sweat will cause yellow stains on clothes. The body needs to sweat to remove toxins and cool off. Some people may also develop skin irritation from the use of a...