World Cancer Day 2016...:::

Taking place under the tagline ‘We can. I can.’, World Cancer Day 2016-2018 will explore how everyone – together or individually – can do their part to reduce the global burden of cancer. Just as cancer affects everyone in different ways, everyone has the power to take action to reduce the impact of the disease on individuals, families and communities. World Cancer Day is a chance to reflect on what you can do, to make a pledge and to take action. Whatever you choose to do, ‘We can. I can.’ make a difference in the fight against cancer. The 2016-2018 World Cancer Day campaign explores twenty actions that ‘We can. I can.’ take to save lives, achieve greater equity in cancer care, and make fighting cancer a priority at the highest political levels. We have put together some key facts and supporting evidence around each of these actions so that no matter who you are – a cancer survivor, a co-worker, a cancer organisation, a carer, a friend, an employer, or a student – inf...